Skytrex Adventure Park is an unusual high elements jungle canopy adventure in the Sungai Congkak Recreational Forest which is located in the heavily forested area of Hulu Langat, Selangor. The unique challenges found along 2 circuits with a total of 38 activities will have you standing, climbing, walking, swinging and zipping high above the ground!
Breakfree Movement Teambuilding is a unique immersive teambuilding program with physical and mind challenging activities. The task-based physical activities are infused with strategic thinking, mindfulness, awareness, cooperative and competitive training, fun and play! It's affordable too. The programs durations are within half day.
Come ride 150cc ATVs on the highlands of Sabah. Visit Kundasang valley where the majestic Mount Kinabalu casts a magnficent backdrop over green pastures, farmlands, and villages.
Looking for a cheap teambuilding or teambonding program? Get your team members together for Bubble Games!! For large participant groups, we can arrange a little tournament. Strategic and innovative thinking is required. Fitness is secondary.